October 16, 2024

The internal turmoil that plagued Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) continues to haunt many members of the party.

Like a lost chick, PPBM Johor began to ask why Tan Sri Muhyiddin did not want to defend his seat in Dun Gambir.

Despite looking ‘strong’, the leadership crisis began to hit most of the supporters as well as the Johor PPBM Division Heads.

The selection of candidates and the position of the seats to be contested are starting to cause problems for the PPBM candidates themselves. They need to share seats with PAS and Gerakan.


If Parti Bangsa Malaysia joins Perikatan Nasional, then the distribution of seats will further complicate the situation of potential PPBM candidates.

It has been mentioned that Muhyiddin’s action of not defending Gambir was only to protect his ‘face’ as President. Knowing that Gambir voters are no longer in favour of Muhyiddin, immediate action must be taken to protect his dignity.

The action leaves big questions for PPBM supporters. As a ‘war head’, leaving the ‘army’ behind without him leading the offensive force will make the strategy not effective and even the spirit of the ‘army’ will fade.

This is the dilemma faced by future PPBM Johor candidates. Without Muhyiddin, they feel that the party does not appreciate all their sacrifices so far. What is focused is only the dignity of the President and at the same time pawning the dignity of the future PPBM candidate.


The chances of Perikatan Nasional and PPBM in the Johor state election are rather bleak as Pakatan Harapan has devised a strategy to defeat PN completely.

For PH, this is the time for them to respond to PPBM’s betrayal which has caused the collapse of the PH government after 22 months in power.

Tracing the DUN seats in Johor as well as PPBM’s chances of winning if they contest 4 corners, it is very unfortunate for PPBM that they will be ‘bathed’ by their own supporters.

This is because the split of votes has definitely happened and now PPBM no longer has the support from voters of PKR, AMANAH and DAP who once helped them in the last GE14.

With the presence of MUDA as a challenger in urban areas, what else can PPBM and Perikatan Nasional expect other than defeat?

Imagine, the President of PPBM himself did not dare to contest in the Johor state election because he knew he would lose, what opportunities are there for the future PPBM candidates themselves?

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